WBT101: Web3.0 and Blockchain Fundamentals for Financial Services

Learn how to evaluate promising blockchain projects using our battle-tested 6PTC™ framework and leverage on blockchain technology to enhance your offerings.

Get Started

✅  Taught by blockchain industry experts
✅  Basic and advanced blockchain concepts
✳️  Beginner-friendly, no background knowledge required
Rated 5/5 on Google reviews

Web3.0 Nanodegree

Earners of this badge have demonstrated mastery in understanding and applying Blockchain, Token Economy, and Decentralised Finance (DeFi) fundamentals, equipping them to navigate and innovate in the decentralised digital realm.

 Earners have completed WBT101, WBT201, and WBT202
 Priority referrals and job placements with Metacamp's career partners
 Increased employment chances
Web3.0 and Blockchain Fundamentals for Financial Services
⧖   18 instructional hours
△   Beginner level
ⓘ   No prior knowledge required
Fundamentals of Token Economics
⧖    24 instructional hours
△   Intermediate level
ⓘ   WBT101 or equivalent knowledge
Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Fundamentals
⧖    24 instructional hours
△   Intermediate level
ⓘ   WBT101 or equivalent knowledge

Capitalise on opportunities in the $1.3T Web3.0 Industry

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based financial systems enable the management of, and connectivity around, upwards of $1.3 trillion USD in financial assets. Blockchain technology could radically transform the role businesses, institutions and governments play in our world.

Position yourself at the forefront of the financial industry by understanding Web 3.0 and how anyone can take advantage of the new age.

Don't just hear it from us

Blockchain expert instructors from Binance, OKX, ...

Attend live classes online outside of working hours

Graduate with a blockchain-verified certificate

Assess blockchain projects and pitch one during demo

Dedicated career support and matching with partners

4.8 / 5 ⭐
5 / 5 ⭐

"This course equipped me with skills to evaluate promising Web3 projects, helping me stay ahead of the curve. While not formal advice, this knowledge allows me to elevate my service to my clients. Understanding Web3 allowed me to position myself as a more well-rounded leader in my company. "

lucas lim
Senior Director
Personal Wealth Manager

"Metacamp offers a comprehensive and engaging classes to this exciting field.  Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to expand your knowledge, the course provides valuable insights and practical skills to kickstart your blockchain/web3.0 journey."

kristian augustine
Financial Consultant

"Lovely team of trainers who are dedicated and knowledgeable. Thank you for making Web3.0 easy for beginners. Valuable insights on fundamentals and opportunities."

xavier lim
Personal Wealth Manager

"Vincent and Jonas were very good at engaging us and helped us clear whatever doubts we had. The workshop was at a very good pace as well. Honestly thought that it would be quite content heavy and tiring but the contents were well spread out!!"

Fong kang yuan
Finanial Consultant
As featured on

Web3.0 and Blockchain Fundamentals Course Details

In this course, students will be equipped with knowledge on transformative technology and best practices, covering core concepts: Web 3.0 and prior evolutions of the internet, core blockchain technology, and various types of blockchain protocols and networks. Students will also evaluate multiple Web 3.0 projects for a final pitch deck.

Funding Support
This course has been accredited under the Skills Framework for Financial Services / IBF Standards: Technical Skills and Competencies - Emerging Technology Synthesis, TGS-2023040458, and is eligible for funding under the IBF Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS), subject to all eligibility criteria being met. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the course and its relevance to his/her business activities or job roles.

The IBF-STS is available to eligible entities and individuals based on the prevalent funding eligibility, quantum and caps.  IBF-STS provides 50% - 70% course fee subsidy support for direct training costs subject to a cap of S$3,000 per candidate per course subject to all eligibility criteria being met.

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What to expect?

Learn new concepts and tools through expert-led lectures, discussions, assignments and projects

Complete all assignments and receive a certificate of completion in the form of an NFT at the end of the course

Receive individualised feedback and support from your instructional team with free 1-on-1 consultations

Be part of a community where members can leverage connections with alumni, instructors and experts

Course fee and subsidies

Singaporeans aged 40 years and above
70% IBF subsidy
70% IBF subsidy + $675 SFC
Singaporeans aged below 40 years
50% IBF subsidy
50% IBF subsidy + $1000 SFC
Permanent Residents (PRs)
50% IBF subsidy
Others (non-Singaporeans and non-PRs)

IBF Subsidy

Original Fee

Final Fee


Singapore citizens aged 40 and above


Singapore citizens below 40 and all PRs



ⓘ All Singaporeans aged 25 years old and above can use their SkillsFuture Credits to offset the remaining fees after funding.

ⓘ All Singaporeans aged 25 years old and above can use their SkillsFuture Credits (SFC) to offset the remaining fees after funding.

Web3.0 and Blockchain Fundamentals Course Schedule

Web3.0 and Blockchain Fundamentals Curriculum

Module 0: Emerging Technologies
  • Blockchain introduction
  • Artificial Intelligence introduction
  • Machine Learning introduction
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Differences in functions and characteristics
Module 1: Origin of Bitcoin and Blockchain
  • Concept of money
  • Intermediations and inflation
  • Rise of Bitcoin
  • Contributions of Bitcoin
  • Importance of blockchain
Module 2: Blockchain Technology
  • Blockchain key components
  • Proof of Work
  • Proof of Authority
  • Innovations of Ethereum
  • Proof of Stake
  • (De)centralised Exchanges
Module 3: Web3 Concepts, Tools, and Use Cases
  • The evolution of Web1 to Web3
  • Blockchain experience game
  • Using and navigating the blockchain
  • Comparison of new generation blockchains
  • Use cases of new generation blockchains
  • Blockchain-powered digital country
Module 4: Enterprise Approach Strategy
  • Defining and developing blockchain strategies for businesses
  • Industry agnostic and industry specific risks
  • Enterprise Risk Management framework for evaluating a Web 3.0 solution
Module 5: Real World Assets, DeFi, DAO, NFTs and Beyond
  • Learn about a wide range of use cases for blockchain technology
  • Learn more about emerging technologies such as DAO, NFT, Social Token
  • Web 3.0 - What it is, technologies, existing use cases
  • Metaverse - What it is, technologies, existing use cases
  • Ensuring sustainability with the use of blockchain technology
Module 6: Framework for Web3.0 Project Evaluation
  • Identifying trending narratives
  • Discovering new projects
  • Entry and exit strategy
  • 6PTC™ evaluation framework

Web3.0 and Blockchain Fundamentals Course Projects

Learners will practice the concepts taught in class by crafting blockchain implementation strategies and evaluating existing Web3 projects. Below are the projects learners can expect to complete and add to their portfolio at the end of the course, subject to revisions.

Enterprise Blockchain Implementation
Web3 Project Evaluation (6PTC™)
Plus many more in-class exercises ...

Past Pitch Decks

Below are some of the past pitch decks created by graduated learners using our 6PTC™ framework. The information provided below are for educational purposes only, none of which constitutes an offer (or solicitation of an offer) to buy or sell any currency, product or financial instrument.


Yield Strategy

Pendle is a permissionless yield-trading protocol where users can execute various yield-management strategies such as fixed yield, long yield, earn more yield without additional risks, and mix of all the aforementioned strategies.


Real World Assets

Ethena is a synthetic dollar protocol built on Ethereum that provides a crypto-native solution for money not reliant on traditional banking system infrastructure, alongside a globally accessible dollar denominated instrument - the 'Internet Bond'.


Decentralised Exchange (DEX)

Jupiter is a peer-to-peer system designed for exchanging cryptocurrencies on the Solana blockchain. It has expanded to a suite of products namely; Swap, Limit Order, DCA, Bridge, Perps, and the LFG Launchpad.

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